Online Instant Quote Calculator

Upload a 3D model to see instant quote, délai de mise en œuvre, and DFM feedback.

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Upload Click here to upload or drag and drop your model to the canvas.

The model is too large and has been resized to fit in the printer's build tray.[Hide]

The model is too large to fit in the printer's build tray.[Hide]

The model is too large, a fitting printer is selected.[Hide]

The model is too small and has been upscaled.[Hide]

Warning: The selected printer can not print in full color[Hide]

Warning: obj models with multiple meshes are not yet supported[Hide]

File Unit:    mm    inch
× ×  cm

Material Volume: cm3
Box Volume: cm3
Surface Area: cm2
Model Weight: g
Model Dimensions: x x cm

Estimated Price:

Loading price

  • Resin
  • abdos
  • PC
  • PE
  • PP
  • PS
  • Nylon
  • Copper Alloy
  • Stainless Steel
  • Aluminum Alloy
  • Other Materials
  • 3D Impression
  • Usinage CNC
  • Fabrication de moules
  • Moulage par injection
  • Other Manufacturing

Manual quotation

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    Types de fichiers pris en charge: images, fichiers compressés rar ou zip; Taille 20 Mo